Training & Education
RIKEN BRC – Nanjing University Model Animal Center – Seoul National University “Annual Mouse Summer Workshop”

To provide an opportunity to learn basic principles and cutting-edge research of life sciences using experimental animals, RIKEN BRC started “Mouse Summer Course” at Tsukuba in 2010. In 2012, Nanjing University Model Animal Center joined the course and then in 2016 the name of the course has been changed to “Mouse Summer Workshop”. In 2017 Seoul National University joined, and now, three institutes have been collaborating to hold the annual workshop for undergraduate students, graduate students, young scientists and technical staff in Asia. We will continue to hold this annual summer workshop every year. Please pay attention to the announcement of the workshop.
Education and Training of Foreign Students, Young Researchers and Technical Staff
We have been providing education and training to students, young researchers and technical staff on science and technology related to bioresources. If you wish to be educated or trained and want to know further details, please contact to PI of relevant Division/Team.
The Master’s / Doctoral Program in Life Science Innovation of Tsukuba University
This program was jointly established by Tsukuba University with the Life Science Association of Tsukuba in which RIKEN BRC is a founding member. Five PIs of RIKEN BRC have been serving as professors in this program.