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Information for Users

How to search bioresources in BRC Website

<Site search tab>

At the Top Page, Google-based site search are available.
  1. When the “Site Search” tab is activated, you can search entire RIKEN BRC Website by the google function.
    picture of Site search tab

Advanced Search (Beta Version)

For more detailed searches, we recommend using the Advanced Search (Beta Version). Please refer to the Advanced Search Manual for comprehensive search instructions.

Advanced Search (Beta Version)

Search in individual Resource Division Website

If you know the type of bioresource you wish to search or obtain, we recommend that you search from the website of each Division. You can search by more detailed conditions.

picture of Site search list
  1. Link to search for bioresource website of individual Division

    Mouse (Experimental Animal Division)

    Plant (Experimetnal Plant Division)

    Cell line (Cell Engineering Division)

    DNA and clone (Gene Engineering Division)

    Microorganism (Microbe Division)

    picture of Experimental Animal Division of search screen
  2. Fill in the search condition and execute searching.
  3. Click a bioresource from the list to jump to the individual bioresource page.

Improvement of search function and the database (under construction)

The search function and database for information associated with bioresources are being improved.

<Information of the bioresources provided by RIKEN BRC>

Information on all of the bioresources and the database provided by Riken BRC will be enriched to increase added values, and search function of information of the bioresources will be also improved.

  • If you cannot find bioresources necessary for your research in our catalog or any other bioresource centers, please contact an appropriate Division. We will be glad to be your help.
  • In case that you need a novel bioresource that has never been developed, you and RIKEN BRC can develop such a bioresource by collaborative effort. Please propose the collaborative development to us. We are looking forward to hearing your proposal.