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Improvements of the Website

Improvements of the Website

Thank you for visiting the RIKEN BRC Website.
Please tell us your opinion on the Website. (Questionary on RIKEN BRC Website)
We will make improvements continuously based on your feedback.

Improvement history

2024/05/22 Release of Advanced Search (Beta Version)

Beta version of new BioResource Search Service is now available.

2023/01/11 Improved access to Divisions and Teams.

In order to improve access to webpages for Divisions and Teams in charge of RIKEN BRC’s programs. The laboratory page and structure of the menu has been renewed.

2022/04/19 “BRC RESOURCE NEWS” page was added.

“BRC RESOURCE NEWS” page was added to introduce topics related to mouse, plant, cell, gene and microbe resources works with flyers delivered to resource users.

2022/03/29 Site design has been improved.

We have made some improvements to the website design and interface as follows:

  • The the menu interface has been improved.
    We have changed the display position of the menu and improved it so that the submenu contents can be listed from the top page.
  • The position of language switching on the top page has been changed.
    The position of language switching on the top page has been unified with other pages.
  • Enlarged the text of the news article list.
    The text of news articles has been enlarged to make them easier to see.
  • Web accessibility has been improved.
    We have supported web accessibility AA stipulated by JIS standards so that more people can see or read the contents of the website.
There are no changes to the contents of the website, so you can continue to use it as before.

2021/07/19 Webpages for 20th Anniversary of RIKEN BRC are added.

Introducing events celebrating the 20th anniversary of foundation of RIKEN BRC.

2021/06/30 The function of “Search for bioresource” tab on the top page has been enhanced.

Search by disease name has been remarkably enhanced in the new version utilizing relationships of public databases.

  • Mouse: mouse—mouse gene—human gene—disease (via OMA and DisGeNet)
  • Cells: cell—originating patient—disease (in the cases of cells derived from diseased patients)
  • Genes: gene—disease (via DisGeNet)
Usability of the suggestion function at the “Search for bioresource” tab has been enhanced. For more information, see “How to search bioresources in BRC Website.

2021/03/09 URL of “Licenses for Research Tools” was changed.

We moved “Licenses for Research Tools” (formerly “Link“) page to under the “For Best Use of Bioresources” from “About Us“. URL of the page was also changed. If you access it with the old URL, it will be forwarded.

New URL:

2020/09/30 Improvements to improve web accessibility

We have made the following modifications with the aim of allowing users to access the information on this website by various means.

  1. Addition of navigation skip function by tab key operation
  2. Correct the link text so that the link destination can be predicted
  3. Corrected the contrast between the text color and background color of the development room icon

2020/09/16 Modification of the top page of the mobile site

The layout of the panels displayed on the top page has been changed to improve visibility.

2020/06/30 Renewal of the RIKEN BRC Website

We redesigned the RIKEN BRC Website to improve access to bioresource information.
Quick search for bioresources (mouse, cell, plant microorganism and gene) is available at the Top Page.