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BRC’s Social Networking Services (SNS) policy

BRC’s Social Networking Services (SNS) policy

  1. BRC’s official SNS accounts
    RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC) uses social networking services (SNS) to actively promote BRC activities. Official BRC accounts managed by the Center or by individual laboratories must be operated in accordance with RIKEN’s regulations and are subject to the following descriptions, operation policies, terms of use, and privacy policy.
  2. SNS content
    SNS content can only include information related to BRC events and bioresources. BRC will comply with confidentiality obligations and will not disclose non-public information. We will disseminate information with care so as not to damage BRC’s credibility or violate the public’s expectations of BRC.
  3. Handling of copyrights and personal information
    Posted content will comply with the "Protection of personal data at RIKEN BioResource Research Center" as described on the BRC website and will take sufficient care not to infringe on the rights of third parties who are protected by fundamental human rights, privacy rights, and intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights, etc.). In addition, no account information shall be provided to a third party without the consent of the person concerned.
  4. Content and logo usage, reproduction of published articles, and permission to link.
    In principle, RIKEN retains the copyright to all text, photographs, illustrations, and other materials posted on SNS, unless otherwise indicated. Unauthorized diversion, reprinting, or modification without RIKEN’s permission is prohibited. This does not apply to links from other accounts or to the content of quoted articles.
  5. SNS disclaimer
    BRC assumes no responsibility for any damages incurred by users (viewers) or third parties resulting from posts on BRC’s official accounts. BRC reserves the right to delete any comments that it deems inappropriate, without the user’s consent. Furthermore, the management and operation of BRC’s official SNS accounts are subject to change without user consent.
  6. SNS policy questions received via SNS
    Due to our operational structure, we may not be able to answer questions about our SNS policies that are sent through our SNS accounts. If you would like to request an answer regarding the SNS policy or use of SNS, please contact us at brcqa[at] (Please replace "[at]" with a half-width [@]).
  7. BRC Official SNS Accounts
     Bluesky (RIKEN BioResourceResearchCenter (BRC)
    @RIKEN_BRC_en (RIKEN BioResourceResearchCenter (BRC)
    @RBRC_JCM_en(Microbe Division (JCM)
    @RBRC_BED_en (Bioresource Engineering Division
    @JapanMouseClinic (Mouse Phenotype Analysis Division
        * The videos are available on the website of Mouse Phenotype Analysis Division .