Latest news(2022 vol.03)
Experimental Animal Division
Cre driver mice for germ cell lineage
In October 2022 "Mouse of the Month", we introduced a Ddx4-CreERT2 KI mouse that expresses tamoxifen-induced Cre recombinase under the control of endogenous Ddx4 promoter deposited by Seiya Mizuno, Ph.D.(University of Tsukuba). This strain is a useful tool for analyzing mechanisms of female oogenesis and male spermatogenesis.
Experimental Plant Division
New Release: Transgenic BY-2 Cell Lines
We have released transgenic tobacco BY-2 cell lines expressing fluorescent proteins that visualize cis– and/or trans-Golgi.
Cell Engineering Division
Reporter knock-in iPS cell lines
Reporter knock-in iPS cell lines made with CRISPR-Cas9 system are deposited to our cell bank. By using these cell lines, it is possible to visualize differentiation state of cells and analyze mechanisms of development. H2B series resources are also useful for cell cycle research.
- SOX10-TEZ(HPS5064) [Parent: 201B7(HPS0063)] *TEZ: tdTomato, EF1, Zeocin
- PAX6-TEZ (HPS4903) [Parent: 454E2(HPS0077)]
- ISL1-TEZ_1(HPS5037) [Parent: 1383D6(HPS1006)]
- H2B-TEZ(HPS5140) [Parent: 1383D6(HPS1006)]
- H2B-GEZ(HPS5141) [Parent: 1383D6(HPS1006)] *GEZ: EGFP, EF1, Zeocin

Gene Engineering Division
Split-GFP probes visualizing organelle contact sites
Split-GFP probes can detect organelle contact sites in living cells with high sensitivity. You can analyze their dynamics by live imaging. Those tools were deposited by Dr. Yasushi Tamura of Yamagata University.
Microbe Division (JCM)
Fructose fermentation and assimilation by yeasts
Many yeast species are known to have an ability of ethanol fermentation. Sugars utilized for ethanol fermentation by yeasts vary from species to species, which can be regarded as 'personality'. The 'personality' of yeasts, the ability of fermenting fructose, was recently re-discovered.