"Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories" Interview series No.5
Dr. Ito received Young Investigator Award, and Dr. Chang and Mr. Shimizu received English Presentation Awards
Hera BioLabs Inc. has permitted RIKEN BRC to collect, preserve and distribute the biological materials containing piggyBac® transposon
"Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories" Interview series No.4
Dr. Ohkuma received Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Award, and Dr. Hisatomi and two others received Oral Presentation Award
Solicitation for Designated Donations to the Bioresource Characteristic Information Analysis Support Project
– for Supporting Global Life Science Research -
Seeking a Division Director (Professor Level, Indefinite-term) (T24017)
RIKEN BRC Integrated Developmental Engineering Division (tentative name) -
Seeking a Division Director (Professor Level, Indefinite-term) (T24015)
RIKEN BRC Cell Engineering Division (Cell Bank) -
Seeking a Division Director (Professor Level, Indefinite-term) (T24016)
RIKEN BRC Experimental Plant Division -
"Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories" Interview series No.3
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.7 is now on the web