"Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories" Interview series No.2
"Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories" Began a series of web interview articles
Dr. Kenta Suzuki has won the 28th Miyadi Award
Notice of Revision of Licensing Fee Equivalent for the Distribution of Bioresources Covered by Patents Owned by Takara Bio USA, Inc.
Notice of Revision of Licensing Fee Equivalent for the Distribution of Bioresources Utilizing Gateway® Technology Covered by Patents Owned by Thermo Fisher, Inc.
The Report (The 8th RIKEN BioResource Research Center Advisory Council)
Dr. Yohei Hayashi resreved THE TCI VENTURE AWARD 2023 SEEDS DIVISON
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.6 is now on the web
Monomeric Fluorescent Protein Resource, mStayGold
Holiday Closing Announcement
BRC Young Scientists Networking Symposium 2024
Dr. Yuki Yamagata, Dr. Hiroshi Masuya received the 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2023 JSAI Annual Conference Award