"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.4 is now on the web
No requirement of the Schedule A for distribution of the GFP resources
Amendment to the license agreement between Takara Bio USA, Inc. and RIKEN BRC of Fluorescent Proteins for academic use
Diversity initiatives to support women’s active participation
Revision of Distribution Fees for Bioresources in RIKEN BRC
Exhibition at the 36th International Mammalian Genome Conference (IMGC2023): Mar 29 - 31
Shogo Matoba's research proposal has been accepted for FOREST by JST
Dr. Hashimoto received MSJ Young Investigator Award
Holiday Closing Announcement
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.3 is now on the web
The 36th International Mammalian Genome Conference (IMGC2023) and RIKEN Symposium
Dr. Kato and two others, and Dr. Hashimoto received ANRRC 2022 Poster Award, respectively