The Fourth Sino-Japan Short Summer Course
Venue: MARC Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
The First Day (27-July-2015)
9:00 - 9:10 Opening Remarks
Xiang Gao, Ph. D., Nanjing Biomedical Research Institute of Nanjing University
Session 1: Mouse History, Genetics and Genome Manipulation
9:10-10:10 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Heping Cheng (Peking University), "Calcium spikes and mitochondrial flashes in the heart"
10:10-10:50 Lecture 2: Dr. Xiang Gao, "History of mouse research"
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-11:40 Lecture 3: Dr. Yuichi Obata, "The mouse in the immunology"
11:40-12:20 Lecture 4: Dr. Yoichi Gondo, "Mouse genomics"
12:20-13:30 Lunch
Session 2: Mouse Resources for Biomedical Research
13:30-14:10 Lecture 5: Dr. Atsushi Yoshiki, "Collection of reporter mouse strains at BRC"
14:10-14:50 Lecture 6: Dr. Xiaohui Wu, "Piggybac insertional mutagenesis in mice"
14:50-15:30 Lecture 7: Dr. Jing Zhao, "Chinese mouse strain resource and phenotyping"
15:30-15:50 Break and group photo
Session 3: Reproductive Technologies in Rodents
15:50-16:30 Lecture 8: Dr. Atsuo Ogura, "Development of reproductive engineering techniques in mice at BRC"
16:30-17:10 Lecture 9: Dr. Toru Takeo, "Application of pharmaceutical science to improve mouse reproductive technology"
17:10-17:50 Lecture 10: Dr. Takehito Kaneko, "The rat gamete preservation"
18:00-19:00 Dinner
19:00-21:00 Poster presentation and open discussion for all students and teachers
The Second Day (28-July-2015)
Session 4: Cardiac Biology and Medicine
9:10-10:10 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Weinian Shou (Beijing Fuwai Hospital), "The role of STAT3 in regulating cardiac development and function"
10:10-10:50 Lecture 12: Dr. Zhongzhou Yang, "Second heart field development and diseases"
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-11:40 Lecture 13: Dr. Minsheng Zhu, "Smooth muscle physiology and cardiovascular diseases"
11:40-12:20 Lecture 14: Dr. Kuniya Abe, "A simple and robust method for establishing homogeneous primed pluripotent stem cell lines by Wnt inhibition"
12:20-13:30 Lunch & discussion on the next Summer Course
Session 5: Disease Models and Phenotyping
13:30-14:30 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Bin Zhou (Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences),
"De novo formation of a distinct coronary vascular population in neonatal heart"
14:30-15:10 Lecture 16: Dr. Ying Xu, "Mouse models for human diseases"
15:10-15:20 Break
15:20-16:00 Lecture 17: Dr. Shigeharu Wakana,"A comprehensive mouse phenotyping platform in the Japan Mouse Clinic"
16:00-16:40 Lecture 18: Dr. Hiroshi Masuya,"Informational technologies for data sharing in biology"
16:40-17:20 Lecture 19: Dr. Shinya Ayabe, "Genome editing of mouse embryos"
17:20-17:40 Questionnaires to Students/Secretariat All students and teachers
17:50-18:20 Presentation of Diploma
18:20 Closing Remarks
The Third Day (29-July-2015)
Practical training courses (PTC)
PTC1: The modified SHIRPA technical training course
Trainers: Dr. Shigeharu Wakana, Dr. Hiroshi Masuya, Dr. Yasuyo Kozawa, Dr. Jing Tang, Ms. Du Qiuyun
The number of students: 15 students in total
- 9:00 am-12:00 pm
- Mouse History, Genetics and Genome Manipulation
- Mouse Resources for Biomedical Research
- Reproductive Technologies in Rodent
- Cardiac Biology and Medicine
- Disease Models and Phenotyping
Translator: Dr. Tang
Demonstrator: Ms. Kozawa
Group 1: Translator: Dr. Tang
Trainer: Ms. Kozawa
Group 2: Trainer: Ms. Du qiuyun
DiscussionsPTC2: The practical training for rat 2-cell stage embryo and mouse sperm freezing and warming.
Trainers: Dr. Takehito Kaneko, Dr. Toru Takeo, Dr. Shinya Ayabe, Mr. Wang Xiaoming, Ms. Sun Xiaohui, Ms. Zhang Wenzhen,Ms He Ping.
The number of students: 20-24 students in total
9:00 am-12:00 pm
- Introduction of Rat Embryos and Sperm Freezing and Warming (Dr. Kaneko)
- Introduction of Mouse Sperm Freezing and Warming (Mr. Wang Xiaoming)
Group 1: Rat 2-cell Stage Embryos Freezing and Warming;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Dr. Kaneko
Translator: Mr. Wang Xiaoming
Group 2: Mouse Sperm Freezing and Warming;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Ms. Sun Xiaohui and Ms. He Ping
13:00 pm-16:00 pm
Demonstration & Practice
Group 1: Mouse Sperm Freezing and Warming;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Ms. Sun Xiaohui and Ms. He Ping
Group 2: Rat 2-cell Stage Embryos Freezing and Warming;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Dr. Kaneko
Translator: Mr. Wang Xiaoming
PTC3: The training course for micro-injection
Trainers: Ms. Liu Yuxiang, Ms Xue Honglan, Ms. Chen Qian, Ms. Zhou Juan, Ms. Zhang Jing
The number of students: 20-24 students in total
9:00 am-12:00 pm
- Introduction of Mouse Pronuclear Injection (Ms. Liu Yuxiang )
- Introduction of Mouse Blastocyst Injection (Ms. Liu Yuxiang )
Group 1: Mouse Pronuclear Injection;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Ms. Chen Qian and Ms. Zhou Juan
Group 2: Mouse Blastocyst Injection;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Ms. Zhang Jing and Ms. Liu Yuxiang
13:00 pm-16:00 pm
Demonstration & Practice :
Group 1: Mouse Blastocyst Injection;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Ms. Zhang Jing and Ms. Liu Yu Xiang
Group 2: Mouse Pronuclear Injection;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Ms. Chen Qian and Ms. Zhou Juan
PTC4: The training course for pathological sectioning
Trainers: Mr. Li sheng, Mr. Li Erbing
The number of students: 20-24 students in total
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Opening : (Mr. Li Sheng)
- Introduction of Pathological & Histological Stain (Mr. Li sheng)
Group 1: Tissues Sampling and Fixation;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Mr. Li Sheng
Group 2: Section staining;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Mr. Li Erbing
Demonstration & Practice
Group 1: Section staining;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Mr. Li Erbing
Group 2: Tissues Sampling and Fixation;
Demonstrator and Trainer: Mr. Li Sheng
PTC5: The training course for facility management
Lecturer : (Dr. Zhao Jing, Dr. Yu Bai)
The number of students: 25 students in total
9:00 am-12:00 pm
- Introduction for facility and management (Dr. Jing Zhao)
- Introduction for veterinary nursing of laboratory animal (Dr. Yu Bai)
Visit the facility