Microbe Division
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.8 is now on the web
"Interview with staff working in 12 laboratories" Interview series No.5
E-mail News Delivery (Microbe Division)
Dr. Ohkuma received Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Award, and Dr. Hisatomi and two others received Oral Presentation Award
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.7 is now on the web
E-mail News Delivery (Microbe Division)
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.6 is now on the web
E-mail News Delivery (Microbe Division)
Bacteria can maintain rRNA operons solely on plasmids for hundreds of millions of years
Training course for rapid identification of yeasts/filamentous fungi by MALDI-TOF MS
List of the RIKEN BioResource Research Center Resource Committees Members
Call for applications for positions at RIKEN BRC Indefinite-term Research Scientist
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.5 is now on the web