Microbe Division
Insight into the symbiotic lifestyle of DPANN archaea revealed by cultivation and genome analyses
Dr. Rikiya Endoh received a Committee Vote in the Online Poster Session of ANRRC 2021
JCM Seeking a Research Scientist or a Senior Research Scientist
Sep 24(Fri), RIKEN BRC will hold an online session at Tsukuba Conference 2021
A Single Bacterium Capable of Oxidation and Reduction of Iron at Circumneutral pH
Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Best Presentation Award was given to Dr. Shingo Kato and Dr. Moriya Ohkuma
Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Incentive Award was given to Dr. Rikiya Endo, Japan Society for Microbial Resources and Systematics Technology Award was given to Ms. Yumi Oshida
Lactobacillus nasalidis sp. nov., isolated from the forestomach of a captive proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus)
Validation and standardization of DNA extraction and library construction methods for metagenomics-based human fecal microbiome measurements
D-Fructose assimilation and fermentation by yeasts belonging to Saccharomycetes: Rediscovery of universal phenotypes and elucidation of fructophilic behaviors in Ambrosiozyma platypodis and Cyberlindnera americana
E-mail News Delivery (Microbe Division)
11th RIKEN Research Incentive Award was given to Dr. Rikiya Endo