Dr. Keiko Imamura has won the Best Poster Presentation
E-mail News Delivery (Experimental Animal Division)
The 168th RIKEN BRC SEMINAR (Japanese text only)
Our office will be closed for the establishment anniversary on October 23(Mon.)
List of the RIKEN BioResource Research Center Resource Committees Members
Call for applications for positions at RIKEN BRC Indefinite-term Research Scientist
E-mail News Delivery (Cell Engineering Division)
E-mail News Delivery (Experimental Plant Division)
BRC Annual Report (2022-2023)
E-mail News Delivery (Experimental Animal Division)
Ms. Naomi Watanabe won the Poster Award Biology Prize at RIKEN Summer School 2023
Development of two mouse strains conditionally expressing bright luciferases with distinct emission spectra as new tools for in vivo imaging
"BRC RESOURCE NEWS" Vol.5 is now on the web