Integrated Bioresource Information Division
Inference of selective forces on house mouse genomes during secondary contact in East Asia
Dr. Kenta Suzuki has won the 28th Miyadi Award
Dr. Yuki Yamagata, Dr. Hiroshi Masuya received the 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, 2023 JSAI Annual Conference Award
List of the RIKEN BioResource Research Center Resource Committees Members
Call for applications for positions at RIKEN BRC Indefinite-term Research Scientist
Estimation of silent phenotypes of calf antibiotic dysbiosis
The 36th International Mammalian Genome Conference (IMGC2023) and RIKEN Symposium
Decomposing predictability to identify dominant causal drivers in complex ecosystems
Energy landscape analysis elucidates the multistability of ecological communities across environmental gradients
Mouse genomic variation database have released